Local News

Interstate 5 Reopens Over Siskiyou Summit, But Expect Tough Travel Conditions
Interstate 5 reopened northbound and southbound over the Siskiyou Summit between milepost 11 in Ashland and the Oregon-California border late last night. The Oregon Department of Transportation posted that while the freeway is open today, travel may still be difficult with changing weather conditions. Those who choose to drive this stretch should be prepared for chain restrictions and watch for snowplows and workers in the area. Travelers should also carry emergency supplies and check the weather forecast and "TripCheck.com" before heading into northern California. A check of traffic cams just south of Ashland early this morning showed a long line of semis re-entering freeway lanes. Many of these vehicles had been held for about 24 hours while I-5 was closed Wednesday. Expect slow traffic and workers in the area around the Siskiyou Summit. The forecast calls for warming today, but plenty of rain through northern California and into southwest Oregon. Snow levels are expected to rise above 6,000 feet, according to the National Weather Service. Snow levels will lower again by Friday afternoon.
Posted on 11/21/24 7:39AM by Sam Marsh

GP Shopping Center Patrol Check Led to Arrest of Burglary & Vandalism Suspect
A routine patrol check at the Grants Pass Shopping Center this week led to the apprehension of a man wanted for his role in an ongoing criminal investigation. The Grants Pass Police Department reports officers arrested 42-year-old Gabriel Feliciano outside Rite Aid late Tuesday night. Police said they spotted Feliciano and were aware that he was wanted for a recent burglary and vandalism incident. They said he was wearing the same clothing, shoes and backpack that were observed in video surveillance of the incident. He initially identified himself as "Jonathan," but admitted his true identity during questioning. During a consent search of Feliciano's backpack, officers found wire cutters and stolen items that were seized and logged into evidence. Feliciano was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on felony charges of 1st-Degree Burglary and 1st-Degree Criminal Mischief as well as misdemeanor charges of 2nd-Degree Theft and 1st-Degree Criminal Trespass. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 11/21/24 6:58AM by Sam Marsh

OSP Arrested GP Man Who Fled from Troopers on Highway 199 near Hayes Hill
The Oregon State Police arrested a Grants Pass man who fled from troopers when they tried to pull him over on Redwood Highway near Hayes Hill this week. OSP reports troopers attempted to stop a Honda Accord driven by 34-year-old Jonathan Robert Davis near milepost 16 of US Highway 199 around midday on Tuesday. Troopers said Davis fled south at a high rate of speed and they did not pursue him. Josephine County sheriff's deputies located the suspect vehicle in the Shop Smart parking lot in Cave Junction a short time later and alerted OSP. According to OSP, Davis admitted to fleeing from law enforcement while driving at a high rate of speed and unsafe passing of other vehicles. He was subsequently placed into custody and his car was impounded. Davis was transported to Grants Pass and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Felony Attempt to Elude Police and Reckless Driving. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 11/21/24 6:57AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Nabbed Man for Stealing Items from Home Depot & Lying to Officers
Grants Pass Police arrested a man for stealing a small amount of items from Home Depot and lying to officers this week. According to the Police Department, officers were alerted to a shoplifting incident at the store on NE Mill Street on Tuesday evening. Police said 40-year-old Jackson Wendell Delk stole a can of butane and other items by concealing them in his jacket and exiting Home Depot without paying. He was contacted by officers outside the store, became confrontational with them and provided a false name. His true identity was discovered during questioning. Delk told police his legal name is Jackson, but he went by "Jackie" when he lived in Tennessee. He also admitted that the date of birth on his Tennessee driver's license is incorrect, but the date of birth on his Oregon driver's license is correct. Delk was placed into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for 3rd-Degree Theft and Furnishing False Information to Police. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 11/21/24 6:54AM by Sam Marsh
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IVFD Investigating Wednesday PM Structure Fire that Damaged Shop Building
A Wednesday night structure fire damaged a shop building near Cave Junction. The Illinois Valley Fire District and Rural Metro Fire Department responded to the reported structure fire in the 4,000-block of Caves Highway at 10:25 last night. Upon arrival, units observed a workshop with smoke emanating from the eaves of the building. The source of the fire was located and extinguished. There were no injuries reported and an American Medical Response ambulance was canceled while enroute to the incident. IVFD officials said the cause of the fire was under investigation.
Posted on 11/21/24 6:49AM by Sam Marsh
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Pacific Power Foundation Awards Grants to 4 Southern Oregon Organizations
Community-serving organizations in Oregon, Washington and California transform hope into action every day by showing up to care for their neighbors and the environment. The Pacific Power Foundation is supporting this important work with a new round of grants to local organizations that are committed to fostering resilient cities, towns and natural areas in the region. The foundation is donating a total of $175,000 in grants across the three states to underwrite a diverse range of programs and projects, from affordable housing access, job training and rural economic development to ecosystem preservation, trail restoration and nature-based education. This round of grants -- focused on community enhancement and environmental respect -- is one of four grant cycles offer by the foundation each year. A total of 63 grants were given to local organizations including four in Southern Oregon. Josephine County grants were awarded to Illinois Valley Wellness Resources and a group called "On Sacred Ground." Jackson County grants were presented to the Medford Rogue Rotary Foundation and Freedom Farms.
Posted on 11/21/24 6:48AM by Sam Marsh
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GP City Council Receptive to Requests from Local Library District & MINT Organizations
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The Grants Pass City Council showed interest in helping the Josephine Community Library District and Mobile Integrative Navigation Team after both groups made presentations during Wednesday night's regular meeting. The Josephine Community Library District made a presentation about the new library it plans to build in downtown Grants Pass. Library Director Kate Lasky explained the current Grants Pass branch was built in 1959 and is owned by Josephine County. She said the estimated start for construction of the new library on the block bounded by 6th, 7th, J and K streets is January 2027, with a planned completion before the end of 2028. She and Josephine Community Library Foundation President Rebecca Stolz made a request for the Council to include the project in an amendment to the Urban Renewal Agency's five-year implementation strategy. The Mobile Integrative Navigation Team (MINT) presented a request for help in purchasing the Parker property where it currently leases the land with plans to put in a permanent managed shelter for the unhoused population. The mostly volunteer group talked about its success in removing barriers for homeless people. It wants to expand its services to the unhoused in order to alleviate problems occurring at the two temporary campsites in the city. In order to do that, it needs about $750,000 to purchase the Parker property. The City Council engaged in lengthy deliberations about both requests and it will continue those discussions at future meetings that will occur before the end of the year when four new Council members and a newly-elected Mayor take office.
Posted on 11/21/24 6:43AM by Sam Marsh
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BCC Gives Final Approval for Formation of Josephine County Fire Protection District
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The Josephine County Board of Commissioners approved the creation of a Rural Fire Protection District following a public hearing on the second reading of the order on Wednesday. The Board voted 2-0 to approve the order to form the fire district that will cover residents who live outside the City of Grants Pass or the Illinois Valley, Williams, Wolf Creek and Applegate Valley Fire Districts. Commission Vice-Chair Herman Baertschiger was absent. The Applegate Valley Fire District has plans to expand its coverage area to include properties near Murphy, but the Commissioners moved ahead with forming the district to include all properties within Josephine County. Legal Counsel Wally Hicks testified that there are no definitive answers in state law at this time. People who live within the new district will elect a Board of Directors next May. Under Administrative Actions, the Commissioners okayed a $3.7 million contract with Knife River Materials to install new water and sewer lines to the Grants Pass Airport. Public Works Director Rob Brandes said the project is being paid for with American Rescue Plan Act funding. He estimated the 12-week project will get underway in mid-January, calling it a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
Posted on 11/21/24 6:40AM by Sam Marsh
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National Weather Service Upgrades Flood Watch to Flood Warning across SW Oregon
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The National Weather Service has upgraded a Flood Watch to a Flood Warning in southwest Oregon and northern California. The Weather Service Station in Medford reports the Flood Warning for Josephine, Jackson, Curry, Coos and Siskiyou counties is in effect through Friday at midnight. Flooding caused by excessive rainfall and snow melt is expected across the region. That includes flooding of local rivers, creeks and streams as well as low-lying and flood-prone locations. According to satellite estimates, between one and six inches of rain has already fallen in the area. Additional rainfall amounts of three to seven inches are possible in the Warning zone. Some higher-elevation areas will receive snowfall that will switch over to rainfall. Rain can melt the snow and cause a higher amount of runoff than rainfall alone. Weather experts warn motorists to turn around and don't drown when encountering flooded roadways. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles.
Posted on 11/21/24 6:31AM by Sam Marsh
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Board Approves Formation of Josephine County Rural Fire Protection District
The Josephine County Board of Commissioners approved the creation of a Rural Fire Protection District following a public hearing on the second reading of the order this morning. The Board voted 2-0 to approve the order to form the fire district that will cover residents who live outside the City of Grants Pass or the Illinois Valley, Williams, Wolf Creek and Applegate Valley Fire Districts. Commission Vice-Chair Herman Baertschiger was absent. The Applegate Valley Fire District has plans to expand its coverage area to include properties near Murphy, but the Commissioners moved ahead with forming the district to include all properties within Josephine County. Legal Counsel Wally Hicks testified that there are no definitive answers in state law at this time. People who live within the new district will elect a Board of Directors next May. In other business, the Board continued to clean up the Josephine County Code by approving the first reading of ordinances that amend a chapter regarding parks and repeal a chapter pertaining to water quality in the Grants Pass Urban Growth Area. Assistant County Legal Counsel Leah Harper testified that parks are now part of the Recreation Department and the City of Grants Pass now has jurisdiction over water quality in the UGB. Under Administrative Actions, the Commissioners okayed a $3.7 million contract with Knife River Materials to install new water and sewer lines to the Grants Pass Airport. Public Works Director Rob Brandes said the project is being paid for with American Rescue Plan Act funding. He estimated the 12-week project will get underway in mid-January, calling it a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
Posted on 11/20/24 11:44AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Arrested GP Man Who Fled from Troopers on US Highway 199 at Hayes Hill
The Oregon State Police arrested a Grants Pass man who fled from troopers when they tried to pull him over on Redwood Highway near Hayes Hill yesterday. OSP reports troopers attempted to stop a Honda Accord driven by 34-year-old Jonathan Robert Davis near milepost 16 of US Highway 199 on Tuesday around 11:45 a.m.. Troopers said Davis fled south at a high rate of speed and they did not pursue him. Josephine County sheriff's deputies located the suspect vehicle in the Shop Smart parking lot in Cave Junction a short time later and alerted OSP. According to OSP, Davis admitted to fleeing from law enforcement while driving at a high rate of speed and unsafe passing of other vehicles. He was subsequently placed into custody and his car was impounded. Davis was transported to Grants Pass and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Felony Attempt to Elude Police and Reckless Driving. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 11/20/24 11:42AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Shopping Center Patrol Check Led to Arrest of Burglary & Vandalism Suspect
A routine patrol check at the Grants Pass Shopping Center late last night led to the apprehension of a man wanted for his role in an ongoing criminal investigation. The Grants Pass Police Department reports officers arrested 42-year-old Gabriel Feliciano outside Rite Aid on Tuesday at 11:06 p.m.. Police said they spotted Feliciano and were aware that he was wanted for a recent burglary and vandalism incident. They said he was wearing the same clothing, shoes and backpack that were observed in video surveillance of the incident. He initially identified himself as "Jonathan," but admitted his true identity during questioning. During a consent search of Feliciano's backpack, officers found wire cutters and stolen items that were seized and logged into evidence. Feliciano was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on felony charges of 1st-Degree Burglary and 1st-Degree Criminal Mischief as well as misdemeanor charges of 2nd-Degree Theft and 1st-Degree Criminal Trespass. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 11/20/24 11:41AM by Sam Marsh
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