Local News

Deputies Arrested Man for Violating Court Order after Lathrop Landing Incident
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office arrested a man for violating a court order after a late-night incident at a county park on the Rogue River. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies responded to a domestic disturbance at Lathrop Boat Landing off Lower River Road on Saturday at 10:35 p.m.. Deputies said they were two vehicles at the park -- one belonging to 51-year-old Amen Sky McDonald and the other belonging to a woman who had a valid court order protecting her from him. Few details about the incident were available, but McDonald's behavior caused deputies to flag him as "hostile." McDonald was placed into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Contempt of Court. He was being held without bail. The female victim called for a ride and a deputy stayed with her until she was picked up by a friend and given transportation home. The other vehicles were secured at the park as both drivers had been drinking.
Posted on 3/31/25 10:28AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Arrested Frequent Flyer for Stealing Food and Scuffling with Worker
Grants Pass Police arrested a well-known offender for becoming violent with a supermarket employee after stealing food from the store over the weekend. The Police Department reports officers responded to the trespassing call at the downtown Safeway on SE 7th Street on Saturday at 8:12 p.m.. Police said 41-year-old Amber Al-Sarf matched the description from a worker who reported the disturbance. She is well-known to law enforcement for stealing food and beer from local convenience stores while scuffling with workers. According to the report, Al-Sarf exited Safeway with more than $20 in food and started eating it in the store parking lot. She then engaged in violent behavior with one employee while yelling and hitting another worker's vehicle with her fist. When she was told to leave the store, she pulled a female employee's hair. Officers arrived on scene and placed Al-Sarf into custody. She was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Physical Harassment, Disorderly Conduct and 3rd-Degree Theft. She was being held without bail. She was also trespassed from Safeway.
Posted on 3/31/25 10:26AM by Sam Marsh

Deputies Arrested Motorist for DUII after Weekend Stop on RR Highway in GP
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office arrested a motorist for impaired driving during a weekend traffic stop on Rogue River Highway in southeast Grants Pass. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies pulled over a vehicle with Washington plates driven by a 33-year-old man in the 2400-block of Highway 99 late Friday night. Deputies said they stopped the vehicle for a traffic violation and the driver showed signs of impairment. They said he performed poorly in field sobriety tests, so he was placed into custody and transported to Three Rivers Medical Center for a legal blood draw that documented his impairment. The suspect was lodged in jail for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants and Reckless Driving. According to the report, the Washington plates did not belong to the vehicle. They were seized and the vehicle was impounded.
Posted on 3/31/25 10:24AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Nabbed Motorist for Impaired Driving in Weekend Traffic Complaint
Grants Pass Police arrested a motorist for impaired driving following a weekend traffic complaint in the south part of the city. According to the Police Department, officers contacted the female driver of a 2005 Chrysler Pacific station wagon at Baskin Robbins Ice Cream on Union Avenue on Saturday around 2:15 a.m.. Police said a fellow motorist called 9-1-1 after the female subject nearly rear-ended them and could not maintain her lane of travel. Officers located the suspect vehicle and the woman had the driver-side door open while vomiting. Multiple signs of impairment were observed and she performed poorly in field sobriety tests. The 32-year-old suspect was placed into custody and transported to the Grants Pass Sobering Center where she provided a breath sample that exceeded the legal driving limit. She was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, given a court date and lodged at the Sobering Center. Her vehicle was impounded.
Posted on 3/31/25 10:22AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Incarcerated Young Woman for Probable Cause of Domestic Violence
Grants Pass Police jailed a young woman for probable cause of domestic violence crimes following an investigation late last week. The Police Department reports officers arrested 23-year-old Rylee Madison Bowker at a home in the 700-block of NW C Street on Friday morning. Police said they received a call regarding the alleged incident from the male victim and he made statements to law enforcement about the case. Bowker arrived at the residence while they were interviewing the victim and officers placed her into custody. Bowker also made some statements to police and she was taken to Three Rivers Medical Center for an evaluation. After being medically cleared at the hospital, Bowker was booked into the Josephine County Jail for probable cause of Contempt of Court, Domestic 4th-Degree Assault, Domestic Strangulation and Interfering with Making a 9-1-1 Call. She was being held without bail.
Posted on 3/31/25 6:29AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Nabbed Young Man for Warrant & Drugs after Suspicious Activity Call
Grants Pass Police arrested a young man on an outstanding warrant and for drug possession while investigating a report of suspicious activity at a convenience store located near the high school. According to the Police Department, officers were alerted to four subjects doing drugs in a vehicle parked at the Pinnacle 365 on NE A Street at 9:33 p.m. Friday. Police arrived on scene, contacted the subjects and determined the drug report was unfounded. However, they discovered that 19-year-old Daniel David Deleone was wanted on a Josephine County warrant for failing to appear in court for 2nd-Degree Theft. While placing Deleone into custody, officers found him to be in possession of methamphetamine, fentanyl and assorted drug paraphernalia. He was placed into custody and the drug items were seized for destruction. Deleone was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the warrant plus new charges of Methamphetamine Possession and Fentanyl Possession. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 3/31/25 6:28AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Snared Man on State Warrant While Searching for a Different Fugitive
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on a statewide felony warrant while they were looking for another man who was also wanted. The Police Department reports officers contacted 43-year-old Lee Nicholas Rich at the former Dutch Bros headquarters on SW 4th Street around 11:30 p.m. Friday. Police said they were patrolling the area looking for another fugitive when they came across Rich and discovered that he was wanted on an Oregon State warrant for Parole Violation stemming from a past conviction for Felony Identity Theft. After the statewide warrant was confirmed, Rich was placed into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail on a no-bail detainer. GPPD did not disclose the name of the fugitive they were initially looking for.
Posted on 3/31/25 6:27AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Woman for "Dining & Dashing" from Downtown Restaurant
Grants Pass Police arrested a woman for "dining and dashing" from a downtown restaurant at the start of the weekend. The Police Department reports officers responded to a theft complaint at Thai BBQ in the 400-block of SW 6th Street on Friday shortly after 6 p.m.. Police said the restaurant manager called 9-1-1 to report a female subject later identified as 50-year-old Jennifer Collette McGrath consumed three glasses of wine and an appetizer before fleeing the business on foot. The manager followed the suspect while providing information to dispatchers. Officers located McGrath and detained her in the 400-block of SW I Street. The manager and a waitress provided statements and McGrath's bill, which amounted to $29.50. The suspect initially refused to comply until a Taser was displayed. McGrath was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Theft of Services.
Posted on 3/31/25 6:19AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Motorist for Impaired Driving after Stop at Shopping Center
Police arrested a motorist for impaired driving during a traffic stop near the Grants Pass Shopping Center late last week. According to the Police Department, officers pulled over a Dodge Dakota driven by a 67-year-old man on NE D Street near Anderson Street on Friday morning. Police said they stopped the pickup for speeding and the driver displayed signs of impairment. They said he performed poorly in field sobriety tests and was detained before being taken to the Sobering Center where he provided a breath sample that was positive for alcohol. The suspect was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants. He was cited to appear in court and released, but his pickup was impounded.
Posted on 3/31/25 6:18AM by Sam Marsh
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IV Crews Doused Small Vehicle Fire on Lakeshore Drive in Selma on Friday
The Illinois Valley Fire District extinguished a vehicle fire in Selma late last week. On Friday at 4:21 p.m., IVFD crews were dispatched to the reported small vehicle fire in the 900-block of Lakeshore Drive. IVFD officials said the fire was quickly extinguished and fully suppressed, with no spread to adjacent properties. They said one individual sustained minor burns to his hand while attempting to put out the fire. He declined medical treatment. Officials said the cause of the fire was under investigation, but it was most likely due to a mechanical malfunction.
Posted on 3/31/25 6:15AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Workers Continue Preparing City Parks for Summer Recreation Season
The Grants Pass Parks Department continued baseball field preparations as they rototilled Turface into the infields at Reinhart Volunteer Park and rolled them to firm up the playing surfaces. Parks crews also added soil to base-paths to improve field conditions. Crews began the process of turning on drinking fountains through the parks, starting with the high-use areas like playgrounds and sports fields first to ensure they are operational for the warm weather to come. City parks workers removed a structurally poor tree at Caveman Pool and pruned another tree away from a streetlight to improve visibility and safety. At Reinhart Volunteer Park, they planted a Bald Cypress to replace a removed California Black Oak. This new species is a better fit for the low-lying area, which experiences frequent irrigation runoff. In addition, crews responded to a tree that fell onto the Harry & David Shelter at the All Sports Park. It cause some damage to the shelter that will need further attention in the near future.
Posted on 3/31/25 6:13AM by Sam Marsh
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Josephine County Judge Grants Preliminary Injunction in GP Homeless Lawsuit
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Homeless people can't be cited, arrested or fined for camping in Grants Pass, for now. Oregon Public Broadcasting reports a Josephine County Circuit Court judge has issued a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit against the city. The lawsuit, filed in January by Disability Rights Oregon and five homeless plaintiffs, alleges Grants Pass' treatment of homeless people violates state law, including disability protections. On Friday afternoon, Judge Sarah McGlaughlin issued an injunction preventing the city from enforcing its public camping laws until it has fulfilled two conditions. Grants Pass has to increase its designated camping sites to the same capacity it previously offered before the city closed an approximately 1.2-acre site in January. The city must also ensure all resting sites "provide accessible routes and surfaces" for people with disabilities. These restrictions don’t apply to either Riverside Park or Reinhart Volunteer Park. Grants Pass currently has two sites for homeless people to rest near the police station and City Hall. The city only recently got out from under another court injunction, which lasted for four years. It was part of a different lawsuit over Grants Pass' treatment of homeless people, which the US Supreme Court decided in the city's favor.
Posted on 3/31/25 5:41AM by Sam Marsh
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