Local News

Grants Pass Police Collared Man on Local Warrant after Seeing Him at South Y
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on a local warrant after spotting him in the south part of the city yesterday. According to the Police Department, officers observed 31-year-old Jose Manuel Urias at the South Y on Tuesday at 11:52 a.m. and then placed him into custody about three minutes later at the south Burger King on Rogue River Highway. Police said Urias was well-known to them from previous criminal encounters and he was wanted on a Grants Pass warrant for failing to appear in court for 2nd-Degree Criminal Mischief. Urias was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on $15,000 bail. He was scheduled to be arraigned in Circuit Court this afternoon.
Posted on 12/11/24 11:33AM by Sam Marsh

Grants Pass Police Arrested Man after He Got Stuck on Caveman Bridge Arch
Grants Pass Police arrested a man early today after he got stranded on top of one of the arches on Caveman Bridge. According to the Police Department, officers responded to a report of suspicious activity on the 6th Street span over the Rogue River around 12:15 this morning. Police said 30-year-old Dustin Michael Fontana told them he climbed onto the Caveman Bridge archway to "get high and look at the stars." He then panicked because he is scared of heights and had an anxiety attack, hanging himself up on the pigeon spikes where he could not free himself. Officers were able to talk Fontana through detaching himself and getting down -- but his behavior had already created public alarm, resulting in calls to 9-1-1 and shutting down one lane of traffic. Fontana was arrested and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Disorderly Conduct.
Posted on 12/11/24 11:31AM by Sam Marsh

Ashland Shooting Results in Female Victim Hospitalized & Male Suspect Jailed
A woman remains hospitalized and a man is in custody following a shooting in Ashland. On Monday at 5:49 p.m., Emergency Communications of Southern Oregon advised the Ashland Police Department of 9-1-1 calls received from residents in the 40-block of Alida Street reporting a male subject in an apartment complex had fired a gun and was making homicidal statements. Upon arrival of officers, the male subject -- later identified as 49-year-old Cory Davison of Ashland -- fired shots at them and then fled back into the apartment. APD officers requested additional assistance from the Jackson County Sheriff's Office SWAT team. Moments later, officers heard two more shots from within the apartment which were almost immediately followed by another 9-1-1 call from a woman who advised she had been shot. As officers made their way into the apartment, the suspect exited the residence and challenged them to shoot him. Davison refused to obey lawful commands, so officers deployed a Taser to subdue him and place him into custody. He was lodged at the Jackson County Jail for 2nd-Degree Attempted Murder, 2nd-Degree Domestic Assault and Unlawful Use of a Weapon. Anyone with further information on this incident is urged to call APD. The unidentified woman had been shot twice. She was transported by ambulance to Rogue Regional Medical Center where she was in stable condition late yesterday.
Posted on 12/11/24 6:15AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Arrested Woman for Multiple Crimes after Safeway Shoplifting Call
Grants Pass Police arrested a woman for multiple crimes after she tried to steal hundreds of dollars' worth of merchandise from a downtown supermarket. The Police Department reports officers responded to a shoplifting complaint at Safeway on SE 7th Street on Monday afternoon. Police said 51-year-old Stacey Michelle Shields stole more than $425 worth of grocery items plus a $150 shopping cart from Safeway by pushing the items past all points of sale and exiting without paying. She was located about two blocks from the store, detained and the groceries were returned. Shields admitted to the theft and during a search of her property for more stolen items, several drug-related items were discovered in her handbag. An unused syringe, foil with burnt residue and two melted straws with residue were found. They tested positive for fentanyl and were seized for destruction. Shields was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for 2nd-Degree Theft and Fentanyl Possession. She was being held without bail.
Posted on 12/11/24 6:13AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Snared Motorist for DUII & More after Fight in Williams Hwy Plaza
Grants Pass Police arrested a motorist for impaired driving and more this week after responding to a physical fight between two men from a road rage incident. The Police Department reports officers were alerted to the violent incident in the Williams Highway Plaza on Monday night. Police said 41-year-old Jeremiah Deckert and another man identified only as "Judd" were on the ground fighting when they arrived on scene. Witnesses told officers Judd attacked Deckert by punching him in the face and taking him to the ground. Deckert had confronted Judd for Judd's alleged "poor driving behavior." After breaking up the altercation, police noticed that Deckert was demonstrating strong signs of impairment. Deckert performed poorly in field sobriety tests and was transported to Three Rivers Medical Center for a legal blood draw that documented a high level of intoxication. Deckert was subsequently lodged in jail for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, 4th-Degree Assault and Disorderly Conduct. His GMC was impounded. Judd was released without being charged with any crime.
Posted on 12/11/24 6:12AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Nabbed Motorist for Impaired Driving after Wreck on Redwood Highway
The Oregon State Police arrested a motorist for impaired driving this week after a crash on Redwood Highway between Hayes Hill and Selma. According to OSP, troopers and emergency crews responded to the single-vehicle wreck near milepost 17 of US Highway 199 on Monday evening. Troopers said a 33-year-old male subject lost control of his Subaru Legacy and crashed, but he was not hurt. They said he displayed signs of impairment and refused to perform field sobriety tests, so a search warrant was obtained and he was transported to Three Rivers Medical Center for a blood draw that showed his blood-alcohol level was three times the legal driving limit (.24%). The suspect was subsequently lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, Reckless Driving and Driving While Suspended. His vehicle was impounded and towed to Cave Junction.
Posted on 12/11/24 6:10AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Seeks GP Man Who Allegedly Hunted on Private Land in Douglas County
The Oregon State Police was looking for a Grants Pass man for allegedly hunting on private property in Douglas County last month. According to OSP, troopers responded to a complaint of hunting while in violation of criminal trespass on a Table Mountain property off Olalla Road near Roseburg on November 27th. OSP game troopers investigated and eventually identified the suspect as 47-year-old Jeremy Donald Talley of Grants Pass. They said a representative of a timber company located Talley trespassing on the company's posted land. The man laid down in a ditch with a rifle in an attempt to hide. Troopers said several attempts to locate Talley have been unsuccessful so far in the ongoing investigation. Once he is located, he will be cited for Hunting in Violation of Criminal Trespass. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Jeremy Talley is encouraged to dial *OSP.
Posted on 12/11/24 6:02AM by Sam Marsh
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BCC to Tackle Three Administrative Items during Weekly Business Session
The Josephine County Board of Commissioners will tackle three Administrative Action items during its weekly business session this morning. Following the monthly recognition of employees, the Board will first consider an order confirming the Sheriff's Property Sale of November 14th and authorize the distribution of proceeds from the sale. Next, the Commissioners will consider an order authorizing the sale of properties not sold during the November 14th auction. They will also consider a quitclaim deed purchase and sale agreement for 33223 Redwood Highway. Lastly, the Board will consider a resolution establishing the Josephine County Rural Fire Protection District Fund. Commission Vice-Chair Herman Baertschiger secured the start-up funding when he was a member of the Oregon Senate.Today's public meeting begins at 9 a.m. in the Anne G. Basker Auditorium.
Posted on 12/11/24 6:00AM by Sam Marsh
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AllCare Health Awards $100,000 Grant to Support the Grants Pass Sobering Center
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AllCare Health has announced a $100,000 grant to the Grants Pass Sobering Center Operations Fund. AllCare Health approved these funds to support the Sobering Center in providing non-covered, direct care to individuals impaired by alcohol or other substances so they can safely re-enter the community following the sobering process. The funds will also provide navigation services for various needs identified through the sobering process including referrals to treatment services, assistance navigating the medical system, connections to community partners and access to work-related resources. Impaired, vulnerable individuals who access the Sobering Center will avoid criminal detention and unnecessary emergency department visits while being referred to these essential services. It is important to note that this service does not include diagnostics or care coordination for covered Oregon Health Plan members. This grant reflects AllCare Health's ongoing commitment to promoting health equity and improving the well-being of underserved communities across Southern Oregon.
Posted on 12/11/24 5:58AM by Sam Marsh
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Application Deadline is Friday for Seat on Grants Pass Housing Advisory Committee
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Applications are still being accepted for a position on the Grants Pass Housing Advisory Committee due to a vacancy, but time is running out to apply. This term will expire on November 6, 2026. The Housing Advisory Committee explores opportunities to facilitate the provision of housing for all income levels and it makes recommendations to the Grants Pass City Council. The HAC also promotes public awareness of housing resources and promotes public participation in identifying and addressing housing issues and needs. The City Council may authorize the committee to conduct public hearings as specified in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) citizen participation plan. The special qualification for this position is a representative who is a residential developer. Applications are available at the City Administration Office at 101 NW A Street or online at "grantspassoregon.gov/committee-application." Completed applications must be received by 5 p.m. this Friday, December 13th.
Posted on 12/11/24 5:56AM by Sam Marsh
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Collection Deadline for 2024 Josephine County Toys for Tots Program is This Weekend
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The Toys for Tots collection deadline in Josephine County is December 15th. Rural Metro Fire Department has teamed up with Grants Pass Fire & Rescue, American Medical Response, Rogue Valley Young Marines and the local Toys for Tots program. The team has announced a last-minute push for voluntary donations of new and unwrapped gifts while encouraging parents to sign up to receive gifts for their children, with the official giveaway event coming soon. Toys can be dropped off at the Rural Metro Fire Stations on Williams Highway, Monument Drive, Redwood Highway and Azalea Drive at Robertson Bridge Road through this coming Saturday. Rural Metro, Grants Pass Fire and AMR will also be accepting toys at their offices in Grants Pass until Saturday. Parents can still sign up for children to receive gifts by registering as soon as possible at "josephinecounty.toysfortots.org." The official Toys for Tots Giveaway will be held December 15th and 16th at the Josephine County Fairgrounds.
Posted on 12/11/24 5:54AM by Sam Marsh
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BCC to Tackle 3 Administrative Items during Wednesday Business Session
The Josephine County Board of Commissioners will tackle three Administrative Action items during its weekly business session tomorrow. Following the monthly recognition of employees, the Board will first consider an order confirming the Sheriff's Property Sale of November 14th and authorize the distribution of proceeds from the sale. Next, the Commissioners will consider an order authorizing the sale of properties not sold during the November 14th auction. They will also consider a quitclaim deed purchase and sale agreement for 33223 Redwood Highway. Lastly, the Board will consider a resolution establishing the Josephine County Rural Fire Protection District Fund. Commission Vice-Chair Herman Baertschiger secured the start-up funding when he was a member of the Oregon Senate. As always, there will be Requests and Comments from Citizens when participants are given three minutes to address the Board on virtually any topic pertaining to Josephine County. Wednesday's public meeting begins at 9 a.m. in the Anne G. Basker Auditorium.
Posted on 12/10/24 1:21PM by Sam Marsh
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