Local News

Jackson County Sheriff Hosted Training to Increase Number of DUII Cops on Roads

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The Jackson County Sheriff's Office recently hosted a training for local law enforcement agencies to become eligible to work federally-funded overtime during DUII High Visibility Enforcement patrols.

Extra patrols are funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).

The training is the Oregon-Specific 4-Hour Standardized Field Sobriety Test Refresher curriculum from NHTSA and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. The class is required for any officer working under ODOT DUII grants.

The primary purpose is to improve the overall consistency of administration of the field sobriety test battery by individual police officers. The curriculum covers recognizing, interpreting and articulating evidence of DUII; administering and documenting the scientifically validated sobriety tests; recent case law; and DUII research studies.

The local training event included officers from the Jackson County Sheriff's Office, Oregon State Police, Ashland Police Department, Jacksonville Police Department, Rogue River Police Department and Talent Police Department. The training location was provided by Jackson County Fire District #1 in Rogue River.

The next grant-funded DUII training event is scheduled for Labor Day.
Posted on 2/27/25 6:15AM by Sam Marsh