Carl Photo

Carl Wilson

CEO / Announcer

(Special Events)

Thank you for listening to KAJO and KLDR. We really do appreciate that!

Since my father, Jim Wilson, founded KAJO in 1957, you could say that I literally was "raised on radio". My first memories are of going to visit my dad when he was behind the mic at KLAD in Klamath Falls, OR. We moved to Grants Pass when I was five and shortly thereafter, dad founded the venerable `ol AM 1270. My heroes have always been DJ's... and I am fortunate to have known every announcer who has ever been on KAJO in its entire history, dating from the summer of `57. It is an honor to be counted in that crew... and, have we ever seen some interesting guys and gals during that time! I made my on-air debut in the summer of `68. For the most part, I've been on the air continually since that time... with a couple of partial detours. I joined the navy right after high school and spent two years active duty and a bunch of years in reserve. Another very interesting detour was an appointment to the Oregon State Legislature in 1998 and two subsequent reelections. I took a hiatus at the end of 2002 and returned to the family business. Radio is SO much fun... One highlight of my career was going through the process of adding KLDR to the fold back in 1991 and getting an opportunity to do contemporary radio on FM as a morning jock. Those were heady years indeed! In 2014 I again felt the call to return to the State Legislature and have been serving proudly as a right minded voice for Southern Oregon ever since.

I am married to Malinda and have been since summer of `72, and we have two adult children, J.L. and Lora. J.L. is the owner of a longtime lobbying and public affairs firm in Salem, Public Affairs Counsel. Lora is a marriage and family therapist with a practice in Salem. They are both married to great people... J.L.'s wife is Heather... and Lora's husband, Greg. We also have grandchildren Abigail, Ruby, and Ava Wilson, Tyler Johns, Ashlynn and Johnny Withers and Samson Goodenough.

My hobby is motorcycles. I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of miles I have ridden since the summer of `68, but it has been too many to count. My old Harley and I are slowing down and I am happy to be getting interested in travel trailers. Malinda and I have really enjoyed this hobby over the last several years and there is more to come, I trust! Malinda and I are very active in the ministry at River Valley Church and enjoy having our bibles close at hand. We don't just carry them, we believe them. Life without Jesus Christ would be useless to me.

Again, thank you for your interest in our stations. Our desire is to be a "city on a hill" in our community. Please let us know if we can do more to serve you. Thank you!

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