Local News

Oregon Heritage Commission Awards Grants to Two Jackson County Museum Projects

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The Oregon Heritage Commission has awarded more than $75,000 in grants to 15 museums throughout the state as part of the Oregon Museum Grant Program -- including two museums in Jackson County.

The grants will help fund a variety of projects including collection preservation, interpretation and heritage tourism. Award amounts ranged from $1,052 to $8,000.

Locally funded projects include providing a shared presentation system housed at the Gold Hill Historical Society Museum including a speakers' bureau and equipment for five participating museums in Jackson County.

Grant money is also being provided to the Southern Oregon Historical Society in Jackson County to scan and associate with the catalog records of about 50% of the Deeds of Gift collection.

The Museum Grant Program is offered annually by the Oregon Heritage Commission, which is part of the Oregon Heritage program at the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The grant program began in 1965 when only 24 organizations were eligible for the program. It is funded by ORPD lottery dollars.

Oregon Heritage Commission works to secure, sustain and enhance Oregon's heritage. The Commission sponsors initiatives that educate the public about the value of heritage and celebrate the state's diversity.

To learn more about the Oregon Museum Grant and/or the Oregon Heritage Commission, visit "oregonheritage.org."
Posted on 6/18/24 6:12AM by Sam Marsh