Hometown Heroes sponsored by Evergreen Federal Bank
Birthday Shout Out
Steals and Deals
Earth Wind and Fire June 22nd at Hayden Homes Amphitheater

Josephine Health Officials Urge Residents to Take Precautions during Flu Season

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The Josephine County Public Health Department is urging residents to take precautions against the flu as case numbers are on the rise locally and across Oregon. Flu season is hitting Southern Oregon hard, with increased hospitalizations and widespread flu activity reported across the region. At its peak, nearly 9% of emergency room visits in Josephine County have been for influenza this season which is double the peak from last flu season. Officials said wastewater data from Grants Pass shows a steady increase in flu activity, reaching the highest levels since wastewater tracking began. Flu is spreading at high levels and health officials say it's important to take precautions. Washing hands often, covering coughs and sneezes, and staying home when feeling sick are essential steps to help prevent further spread. Flu vaccines remain available and the health department urges everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible if they have not already done so this season. Josephine County Public Health, health care providers and many area pharmacies have plenty of vaccines to help protect local residents and their loved ones. ...Read more

Join Britt for Historic US Hotel Building Open House in Downtown Jacksonville

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The Southern Oregon community is invited to join Britt this weekend to explore the recently purchased US Hotel in Jacksonville before it undergoes a significant transformation into Britt's new home. During the event on Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m., learn about the history of the building, plans for the future and support the renovation efforts with a raffle including coveted Britt experiences and packages from Jacksonville's merchants, wineries and restaurants. Auction items include a four-person wine tour with EMC Black Car Service, ten lawn seats at Britt, a guitar signed by Craig Chaquico of Jefferson Starship, hundreds of dollars in gift cards to various local businesses and so much more. The event is admission-free and no RSVP is needed. Dine and shop about town before and after your visit. Participating partners will donate a percentage of daily sales back to Britt. The US Hotel building has sat in the heart of downtown Jacksonville for almost 150 years and Britt is proud to give this landmark new life and purpose. For more information, visit "brittfest.org." ...Read more

Josephine County Sheriff's Office Adds New K9 Member to Law Enforcement Team

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The Josephine County Sheriff's Office is pleased to announce a new member of their law enforcement team. K9 "Yana" is a three-year-old Belgian Malinois from the Netherlands and she was selected from Alderhorst International, LLC, by the Sheriff's Office late last year. Yana was initially trained and titled in KNPV, a sport that focuses on police work and the duties of a police dog. She has since been trained in tracking and apprehension as well as handler protection and searching for articles. Yana and her handler -- Corporal Schreiber -- successfully completed their Basic K9 class sponsored by the Eugene Police Department a few weeks ago. Yana was purchased with a generous donation from Southern Oregon Sanitation, a locally-owned company committed to strengthening community relationships and supporting first responders. The Sheriff's Office is grateful to SOS for support of their mission: "Protecting with Courage and Serving with Compassion." ...Read more

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