Hometown Heroes sponsored by Evergreen Federal Bank
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Alexa Skill Link for KAJO

GP Police and Firefighters Continued Strong Efforts to Protect Citizens & Property

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Grants Pass police officers and firefighters continued their strong efforts to protect the community last week. According to the Weekly Report filed by Grants Pass City Manager Aaron Cubic, police officers responded to a total of 483 calls for service along with 307 officer-initiated calls last week that resulted in 43 arrests, 31 citations, 45 warnings and five highly-intoxicated people being lodged at the Sobering Center. Cubic also reported officers conducted a total of 70 traffic stops in the city and they made a total of 22 referrals to the Oregon Department of Human Services. The GPPD Community Response Team (CRT) contacted a total of 58 potential troublemakers while arresting three people and warning 14 others. Grants Pass Fire & Rescue responded to a total of 99 calls last week including 49 for emergency medical service, six for reports of fire or smoke, 23 lift assists, eight rescue situations, four assists to other agencies and five false alarms. Firefighters also performed 10 business inspections, led two education/prevention programs, assisted the public seven times and properly installed one child car seat. The Grants Pass 9-1-1 Communications Center fielded a total of 923 emergency calls in addition to 653 calls for non-emergency service. ...Read more

GP Historical Buildings & Sites Commission Seeks Downtown Business Owner

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Applications are being accepted for a position on the Grants Pass Historical Buildings & Sites Commission (HBSC) due to a vacancy. This position expires on December 7, 2026. The HBSC's purpose is to review proposed alterations to any historic district or designated structure in the Grants Pass urban growth boundary, to promote the community's historic preservation, to advise other agencies on matters related to historic preservation, and to identify areas of archaeological significance and buildings of historic or archaeological significance. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and residents of the City of Grants Pass. This position is for a representative who is the owner of a business located within the Central Business District of Grants Pass. Applications are available at the City Administration Office at 101 NW A Street or online at "grantspassoregon.gov/committee-application." Completed applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 7th. Applications will be reviewed by the Commission on Thursday, February 13th. An appointment will be made during the City Council meeting on Wednesday, March 5th. ...Read more

Ashland Group Gets Grant from DEQ's "Reduce Reuse and Reimagine" Program

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The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) awarded $1.2 million in "Reduce, Reuse, Reimagine" grant funds to 14 recipients in 11 counties across the state that stood out for their vision, creativity and potential to make a meaningful difference in waste prevention. DEQ received a total of 110 applications from throughout Oregon in which applicants demonstrated innovation, dedication and community impact in their project proposals. DEQ Grants Coordinator Haley Miller said the grant program supports statewide efforts to reduce the environmental and human health impacts of materials at all stages of their lifecycle. She said their team has been hard at work reigniting a program that can more effectively invest in community solutions to the social, environmental and health impacts created by production, consumption, use and disposal of materials. Locally, "Be The Change Rogue" in Ashland was awarded a DEQ grant for the Rogue-to-Go development and expansion of take-out reusable dishware. Just like with health, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. ...Read more

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