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Grants Pass Police and Firefighters Kept Heat on Criminals and Off Structures Last Week

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Grants Pass police officers and firefighters kept the heat on criminal offenders and off structures in the city last week. According to the Weekly Report filed by Grants Pass City Manager Aaron Cubic, police officers responded to a total of 673 calls for service along with 259 officer-initiated calls last week that resulted in 50 arrests, 43 citations, 43 warnings and nine highly-intoxicated people being lodged at the Sobering Center. Cubic also reported that officers conducted a total of 58 traffic stops in the city and they made a total of 14 referrals to the Oregon Department of Human Services. The GPPD Community Response Team contacted a total of 157 potential trouble-makers while arresting four people, citing nine more and warning 88 others. The CRT unit also trespassed four individuals from homes or businesses in the city. Grants Pass Fire & Rescue received a total of 105 calls last week including 31 for emergency medical service, six for reports of fire or smoke, 13 lift assists, five rescue situations, 10 assists to other agencies and four false alarms. Firefighters also performed 14 business inspections, led five education/prevention programs, assisted the public 13 times and properly installed two child car seats. ...Read more

Local Homeowners Can Apply to Oregon Community Heat Pump Deployment Program

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Homeowners living in the Southern Oregon region can now apply for financial incentives for installing heat pumps in their owner-occupied homes through the Oregon Department of Energy's Community Heat Pump Deployment Program. The Community Heat Pump Deployment Program provides financial assistance to homeowners toward the purchase and installation of heat pumps in their owner-occupied residences. Up to $5,000 is available for the purchase and installation of a heat pump that meets minimum efficiency requirements. Up to $7,000 is available for the purchase and installation of a heat pump that meets higher efficiency requirements. A grant of up to $4,000 may also be available for eligible upgrades such as a new electrical panel or weatherization or structural repairs that reduce heat and cooling loss. The incentive and grant amounts may not exceed 100% of the cost of purchase and installation of a heat pump or eligible upgrades. For more information on the Community Heat Pump Deployment Program, visit "oregon.gov/energy/incentives/pages/CHPDP.aspx." ...Read more

City of GP Announces Construction of Dollar Mountain Trail Project Starts Today

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The City of Grants Pass has announced that construction of the Dollar Mountain Trail Project will begin today. The initial phase of the project will involve building approximately five miles of trails on the east side of the existing trails located off Hieglen Loop. Trail construction is expected to last until the beginning of December, weather permitting. Closed areas will be marked and the public is cautioned not to venture into any closed area at any time. If you have questions about the Dollar Mountain Trail Construction Project, please contact Parks Superintendent Josh Hopkins at: "jhopkins@grantspassoregon.gov." ...Read more

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